That's Ridonkulous!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Quotes of the day - Dave Barry

First problem libertarians face: "I guess nobody assumes anybody is a libertarian. It's a more complex political discussion than most people are used to, to explain why you think the way you do about public education or drug laws, and why it's not as simple as being for or against something. - Dave Barry

Hmmm, maybe that's why the presidential debates should include more than 2 parties, especially when both of them believe more government is the answer to EVERYTHING. Democracy my ass, open up the debates and let the real competition of ideas flow.

On purview of government: "For [politicians], the question is always, 'What kind of government intervention should we impose on the world?' They never think that maybe we shouldn't." -- Dave Barry, Reason, December 1994

On tax cuts: "Most of the presidential candidates' economic packages involve 'tax breaks,' which is when the government, amid great fanfare, generously decides not to take quite so much of your income. In other words, these candidates are trying to buy your votes with your own money." -- Column, February 9, 1992

On the growth of government: "Whatever the needs of the public are, the government responds to those needs by getting larger." -- Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway (Random House, 2001)

On the tax code: "Why can't Americans do their own taxes? Because the federal Tax Code is out of control, that's why. It's gigantic and insanely complex, and it gets worse all the time. Nobody has ever read the whole thing. IRS workers are afraid to go into the same ROOM with it." -- Column, April 6, 2003

On the War on Drugs: "The way this country deals with drugs is just not funny. What a waste of everyone's time and effort. What a waste of a lot of people's lives." -- Reason, December 1994


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