Cindy Sheehan VS. Partisan Hacks
Reposting my comment here from one of my posts at Reason’s blog.
Why do people keep bringing up the fact that Cindy's son volunteered for military service? So did every other person that's serving today, so what? Is she blaming Bush directly for taking her son's life? NOPE. She wants to know why the fuck this asshole thought it was imperative to go into Iraq, why this war is justified.
She wants answers, and she isn't the only mother who feels this way. She should be praised for questioning this joke of a war, not condemned. Someone decides to get off their couch and go do something about it, and the woman gets bashed? For what? Pathetic.
When Tony Blair gets railed on CSPAN about the war, IN AN OPEN FORUM, from his people who are able to sit directly in the audience and ask him becomes clear we have NO ACCOUNTABILITY for our own politicians. It was refreshing to see people ask Tony Blair questions, and have him answer in a non-staged manner. Why the fuck don't we do this? Is Bush too good for his people? No, he's just a partisan hack just like the Democrats. They won't debate with Libertarians, with Greens, with the Constitution Party...because they'd be called to task on their stranglehold on our joke of a political system.You partisan hacks can go fuck yourselves.
Well said. I heard of a man recently saying that he hated Canadians for not supporting the war in Iraq and I think the only thing he has done to support the war is put up a sticker on his vehicle. It is time they volunteer to fight these wars and better yet pay all the taxes that fund it.
Jake Porter, at 9:24 PM, August 19, 2005
hey jake are you kidding why on earth should i support anyone who supports war when there was no enemy. these political hacksare only interested in fighting a war so they can rebuild someforgotten hole in the ground so they can make millions rebuilding something at the taxpayers expense while the big companies get lucrative contracts from thier favorite politicians,to fatten up their wallets, ive been retired for a few years now and am wondering if there will a social security system for me to receive any benefits, after the other wars that the other bush and clinton fought to bring down someone they didnt like, all at the expence of the social security system, depleting their resources that people may realize that soon when we fight another war with social security money the peolpe may realize that when they look for any benefits after paying into the system for a lifetime, only to see it being pissed away bye our illustrious leaders in the way that they do, oh yea one more thing the government has fought countless ars in the name of peace around the world or a conern for humanity, but why distroy a country? to do it ? now ask yourself do you realy want someone invading your savings account to fight an unpopular war thousands of miles away where these people dont even know we exist? ps the congress has tet to consider to replenishthe money they stole from our retirement account in the social security system remember that when you look at your pay stub and wonder / will thre be any left when i retire ????? val
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, February 23, 2006
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