Billboard Contest - Part Deux
Alright, here's the final copy for my second submission. If anyone wants to take a crack at cleaning it up even further, I can give you the PSD files.

Update: This was the rough copy for my second submission in the Hammer of Truth contest. I threw his ass in the gym to get him a little more diesel. You gotta be strong to hold the government on your back no?

Update: This was the rough copy for my second submission in the Hammer of Truth contest. I threw his ass in the gym to get him a little more diesel. You gotta be strong to hold the government on your back no?

Rob, thats really good. That one should make the grade I think.
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM, July 28, 2005
Thanks Tim. I know the parts that need work.
1. The chains on top don't match the bottom ones.
2. Oh yeah, and the guy looks like he's from the Roman age (small problem)...haha.
3. He seems to have broken free from the "ball and chain" on his right leg.
Tim, we should get a weekly chat going on IRC or something. It just feels like the pace of blogging is just to slow for what's actually needed in this party. We need marketing. Marketing in the way the Cato Institute has done. They started from nothing and became bigger and more influential than the party they were members of.
That should tell you something folks. If CATO is the slippery slope these purists are afraid of, I'm afraid you can wipe your ass with that slippery slope.
Sometimes I really think you are nothing but a plague on this party. Stephen Gordon opened up the lines of communication, and all those motherfuckers did was complain. There has been no admission of any "lessons learned" in this grand experiment of a political party.
It's scary. The simple truth is that people CAN and DO understand the "Stay out of my bedroom and my pocket" reasoning. They're just too damn scared people won't agree with them in lock step motion.
Anyways, enough of that. If you wanna check out what a true libertarian sounds like.
Watch this archive from a recent Cato event.
Radley Balko speaks in the first video covering some of John Stossel classic hits.
Rob D., at 12:03 AM, July 29, 2005
This one works pretty well, I think. A couple of touch-ups (like youo mentioned) and it should be good to go!
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM, July 29, 2005
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