Uproar from LP hardliners
As I read the Libertarian Party's exit plan, I knew it wouldn't sit well with some members. Particularly those who wish to keep the LP as an ideologically pure, no compromise, fringe party. But I didn't care. It's what made me finally join the LP after 9 years. I posted this below on the LP blog in response to some of the expected uproar.
Libertarians, I believe almost unilaterally, understand that democracy and freedom cannot be hoisted on the backs of another country. That's why MOST of us are against the war in Iraq, among other important reasons. If that type of change is to occur in a country it has to come from within, and it will come at the pace of each individual. When enough individuals stand up, systematic change will occur, but it STILL takes time.
Yet the LP hardliners continue to throw out the, “it’s all or nothing” attitude when it comes to the often times difficult task, of trying to win the hearts and minds of the people in our OWN country. They fail to see that they’re precisely doing the same thing they so adamantly oppose. We cannot hoist freedoms on the backs of Americans who are unwilling. If more freedoms are to come to this country, it's going to come in incremental steps and successes that vindicate the idea that more freedom is desirable.
MPP, Insitute for Justice, Independent Institute, CATO, Reason, etc, ...all are fighting their own small little battles in their own way. They are respectable organizations that have earned their reputations by proposing common sense solutions to win back freedom and America's faith in freedom. Why can't the LP follow the same model?
wow, you joined up! Congrats. 1 more party member that's normal. :D
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM, July 02, 2005
I have talked to conservatives about this with a link on my blog to the plan, I think they all commented on it without reading it. Why are Libertarians angry with this anyway, we would keep 40,000 troops in the middle east.
Jake Porter, at 11:20 PM, July 02, 2005
I agree with you on the exit plan. It seems to me like the most effective way for the LP to gain support is to take the small govt. side of issues like issues like this one. When we take the idealist "withdraw all troops from everywhere now" approach, 95% of people label you "wacko" and stop listening immediately.
My biggest issue with this whole LP reform movement is the types of politicians that we may attract. If we don't require our politicans to at least believe in the libertarian ideals, i'm afraid of the possiblity that the party could be hijacked and we still won't get smaller government. Sean Haugh recently posted of a situation like this that is happening in Costa Rica.
Anonymous, at 8:19 PM, July 03, 2005
Thanks Tim, feels good to be on board, and like you I will watch the party closely come 2006 and 2008 and make my decision on whether or not to continue to expend my energy supporting them.
The party needs monetary support just like anything else, so I'll be glad to chip in what I can.
Thanks for the link to Sean Haugh's post about Movimiento Libertario. I haven't been following that closely enough lately to see what they've been up to, but I definitely know of them and have been to their site in the past. I'm skeptical right now of how big of a problem they're really having, and if their really is a schism as Sean suggests. I did read Jorge's and Ricardo's account of what they see happening.
I'm going to have my fiance check out the ML site tomorrow just to see if there's any discussion on there addressing these concerns. My fiance is Costa Rican and Puerto Rican, so she'd be interested in finding out about this as well. There is of course, an English version of the site, but just like CATO's spanish version of the their site, it contains alot less information and structure.
Rob D., at 11:48 PM, July 03, 2005
And BTW Jake, I read the comments section on your blog about the exit plan, and yeah...seemed like those Republicans made assumptions about withdrawal times, etc.
I posted something at the Bill Maher forum on the LP's exit plan and there were no comments, but like 20+ views. The D & R's supporters who believe their party can do no wrong won't take the time to read such a paper. But hey, at least we're doing our part by putting it out for them to see and read.
Rob D., at 11:54 PM, July 03, 2005
When your fiance has a chance to look over the site, please post her findings. I also got the feeling that I might not be getting the whole story due to the language barrier.
Anonymous, at 1:00 AM, July 04, 2005
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