That's Ridonkulous!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Cindy Sheehan VS. Partisan Hacks

Reposting my comment here from one of my posts at Reason’s blog.

Why do people keep bringing up the fact that Cindy's son volunteered for military service? So did every other person that's serving today, so what? Is she blaming Bush directly for taking her son's life? NOPE. She wants to know why the fuck this asshole thought it was imperative to go into Iraq, why this war is justified.

She wants answers, and she isn't the only mother who feels this way. She should be praised for questioning this joke of a war, not condemned. Someone decides to get off their couch and go do something about it, and the woman gets bashed? For what? Pathetic.

When Tony Blair gets railed on CSPAN about the war, IN AN OPEN FORUM, from his people who are able to sit directly in the audience and ask him becomes clear we have NO ACCOUNTABILITY for our own politicians. It was refreshing to see people ask Tony Blair questions, and have him answer in a non-staged manner. Why the fuck don't we do this? Is Bush too good for his people? No, he's just a partisan hack just like the Democrats. They won't debate with Libertarians, with Greens, with the Constitution Party...because they'd be called to task on their stranglehold on our joke of a political system.

You partisan hacks can go fuck yourselves.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ultimate Fighting - Spike TV

I used to watch the UFC fights when they first became popular. Then the "sport" just sort of drifted away. I guess Spike TV has apparently had this show for a while now, but I'm just catching up to it now. If you don't mind watching a serious ass kicking, check it out.

I could think of a couple people in my lifetime I wouldn't mind throwing in that Octagon. Oh come on, just a few throws up against the cage is all I ask.

FYI: Joe Rogan is one of the commentators (some history). Check out his site, and also his "Joe Show". It's pretty damn funny. Start with Episode 1, you'll see what I mean.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Check out the TAT

I'm going this Saturday to set up an appointment to get my first tat. I've always wanted to get one, but most of the stuff out there has been too cliche. Either you have a Bald Eagle with the flag, or barbed wire around the arm. I want something that symbolizes freedom, but at the same time doesn't go overboard (the Gadsen Flag is too out there for me). So here it is, a modernized tribal tat that doesn't look like a crop circle...

It's modified from the original pic I found. Photoshopped with a water effect. The shading, if not the size of the tat is going to run a pretty penny. I might ask for suggestions on making it better before it goes on my arm. Certain pics look a LOT better on paper.

Here is the
tattoo shop's website. They're very professional from what little I know.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Doug Stanhope responds...

Here's Doug's response to my email. I think there's definitely merit to his suggestion. I'm afraid that even with all the reforms we'd like to see in place, we'd still be shut out of the MSM. I'm definitely sticking with trying to reform the LP until 2008, but we need to start thinking now about potential celeb candidates of our own. I think our best chances of success are if Ventura runs, coupled with a Libertarian celeb candidate. The hardest part, as Doug notes, is finding them. If you agree that a celeb candidate is the way to go, who are the potentials and how do we go about getting them on board?

Was just talking to Penn about the same thing - Celebrity President is the only way you'll get the LP noticed. They can and will always ignore any Badnarik you put on the ticket. They cant ignore a celeb. The problem is finding the celeb.

I also believe that the way to do it would have to be as an independent using a Lib platform. Otherwise you open yourself up to all the criticism of the same party doctrine you see the most orthodox Libs mired down in. A moderate LP candidate would still be twisted by media as being for the most extreme ideals ie, all drugs legal, open borders, etc.

Independent is the way to go. Celeb Indy using many of the platforms of the LP. But what do I know? My whole life is fucked up but I think I'm enjoying myself.

Keep me informed.

Here was my email to him:

From: "Robert Daunno"
Subject: A question Doug, from a fan...
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 22:51:58 -0400>

Hey Doug,

Rather than bog you down with bullshit in this email, I'll get straight to the point as I know you're a busy man. I'm writing to you as a libertarian who's trying to reform the Libertarian party, along with a loosely assembled group. The problem we see with it being that they have been too stubborn and too goddamn ideologically pure. They don't want to engage in politics and seem to be fine with the party being ineffectual. And hey, I hate politics too, but we're not going to get there unless we get past just speaking philosophically. So to date already, we have had some success and have shaked things up a bit.

The reason I'm contacting you is that we could sure use your help, and every other celebrity figure that has some sort of notoriety for that matter. I know, celebrity figure is probably something you'd outright reject, but I'm definitely one of your fans. I bought all 3 of your CD's and I have the Deadbeat Hero DVD.

It's like you said, "we have shit to do". I really believe that's why this country is so apathetic and more freedom lovers haven't risen up. They get their money yanked from their pockets every Friday, get pulled over by some cop with an ego the size of Jill Kelly's fagina, ticketed for not wearing a damn seatbelt, and then to top it all off are told to "have a nice day". Fuck that.

Anyways, back to the point of this email. I wish I had specifics on what I had in mind, but I don't. I guess I would have to hear from you first. I know your friends with Penn Jillette, and the whole Aristocrats movie is coming my way soon, here in St. Lucie West, FL. That's the kind of shit I envision. Penn's Bullshit episode, the Aristocrat's movie, this new movie coming out called V for Vendetta. Activism through a network of self proclaimed libertarian celebrities. I mean, is it so farfetched? Ralph "I look like a tree hugger" Nader boosted the Green Party's image. Why can't the libertarians have the same? And I totally understand if you brush this email off. I know you've done your part just by the stand up you've done alone. The amount of people you've made laugh and think in your routine, the amount of people Penn made think from his Showtime show. I just wish it was followed up with a "Vote Libertarian", or "join the only party that will respect your rights, the Libertarian Party". And I saw your endorsement for Badnarik, that was awesome (and hilarious). We need to get things going in the off season, so that come election time our vote is more than just a pie in the sky, but a message that some sort of movement is afoot. A message that we've had enough. Let me know either way what your thoughts are on this Doug.

Thanks for listening,
Robert D.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta coming to a theatre near you on Nov. 4, 2005.
"People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people."

Set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V For Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked vigilante known only as “V.” Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he detonates two London landmarks and takes over the government-controlled airwaves, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression.
As Evey uncovers the truth about V’s mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself – and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plot to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption.

Check out the trailer here.

Weird...but cool

FYI, you can control the movement of the chick. Just put your mouse cursor over her, hold down the left-click button, and fling her around like a rag doll.

Death toll surpasses 1800

Bomb kills 14 Marines in western Iraq - military

How many more Americans must die in this senseless war? When will we start pulling our troops out of harms way? Without a sensible exit strategy, I’m afraid the answers to these questions will continue to remain open-ended.

And if your a Republican apologist, read these quotes and see if you can figure out who said them. Maybe if the R's and D's took their heads out of the asses of their respective party members, they'd see the light. Then again, maybe not.