When I'm not posting at the Maher forums, commenting on things from a libertarian perspective, I try to hit a bunch of various sites that might be receptive to the libertarian plight.
The Cops Suck site is another one I visit from time to time. No, not all cops are bad, but I make that abundantly clear in my posts on the "guest book". I take a different tack from the normal posts there and attack the bad laws cops are obligated to enforce rather than the cops themselves. We all know the real blame lies with the do-gooder politicians anyway so I like to couch my argument in those terms, and then offer a call to political action (support of the LP).

Coincidentally, someone at the Maher forums mentioned in a post that she came to know of the LP from someone over at the Cops Suck site (muah). She mentioned it in this thread that I started at the Maher forums (8th comment down). This could mean several things. I'm that friggin' good; most libertarians are hanging out on the net in areas where there's no potential gain to the LP; or the very good possibility that other activists are hitting sites that I don't visit. Keep in mind that I'm putting aside here the best activism of all, getting off the damn couch and talking to people face to face. We all could do more of this.

My latest stint was to hit the IMDB forums for the upcoming movie, V for Vendetta. You have to register for an account to see all threads and to join in on the discussion. It just so happens that my post was bumped up to one that displays on the main "V" page. Keep in mind, this is NOT updated and sorted by most recent thread, but I believe is picked by the moderators of the board.

So try mixing it up. Use the invaluable resources of libertarian news sites to provoke thought and discussion elsewhere. The hard work is already done for us most of the time. Without the help of the MSM, every little bit we do as individuals counts.Update: IMDB updates the threads daily...I'm guessing at a specific time. Whatever threads are in the top 6 at the time end up on the main page.