Agitating on the Internetz : Mix it up people
The Cops Suck site is another one I visit from time to time. No, not all cops are bad, but I make that abundantly clear in my posts on the "guest book". I take a different tack from the normal posts there and attack the bad laws cops are obligated to enforce rather than the cops themselves. We all know the real blame lies with the do-gooder politicians anyway so I like to couch my argument in those terms, and then offer a call to political action (support of the LP).
Coincidentally, someone at the Maher forums mentioned in a post that she came to know of the LP from someone over at the Cops Suck site (muah). She mentioned it in this thread that I started at the Maher forums (8th comment down). This could mean several things. I'm that friggin' good; most libertarians are hanging out on the net in areas where there's no potential gain to the LP; or the very good possibility that other activists are hitting sites that I don't visit. Keep in mind that I'm putting aside here the best activism of all, getting off the damn couch and talking to people face to face. We all could do more of this.
My latest stint was to hit the IMDB forums for the upcoming movie, V for Vendetta. You have to register for an account to see all threads and to join in on the discussion. It just so happens that my post was bumped up to one that displays on the main "V" page. Keep in mind, this is NOT updated and sorted by most recent thread, but I believe is picked by the moderators of the board.
Update: IMDB updates the threads daily...I'm guessing at a specific time. Whatever threads are in the top 6 at the time end up on the main page.
So far there's 25 comments and rolling. Pitch in if you'd like.
Here was the content of my 1st post in that thread...
This movie couldn't have come soon enough. The United States government has ignored the constitution for far too long. We're ruled by 1 1/2 parties (D's and R's) that could care less about personal liberty. They only speak to special interest groups.
We have rights as individuals, before ANY government is instituted. The constitution puts limits on the government for a reason. Power corrupts, plain and simple. We need public servants, not leaders. We are the leaders. We are the ones who innovate, create, and make this country thrive. If we are to have liberty for ourselves, we must fight for the freedoms of others. Stop being so god damn paternalistic in your life and lead by example. Where others fall and stumble in life, family, friends, and community will be there to help out. Not the government. All they know how to do well is tax and collect.
Take our country back. WE THE PEOPLE created this government. WE THE PEOPLE need to take it back. JOIN the Libertarian Party and help kick start the next revolution. A world of peace, tolerance, individual liberty, limited goverment, and free markets. It's not utopia, it's a world where we recognize that government cannot solve all ills. A world where we should strive to maximize both our personal and economic liberties.
Rob D., at 4:46 PM, March 06, 2006
40 comments over at the IMDB board and counting...
Rob D., at 9:16 AM, March 07, 2006
153 comments on the V board...not bad even though the discussion had some libertarian bashing here and there. That's alright, those are the D's or R's anyway who respond negatively because they don't want anymore competition. Fuck them.
If I directed 1 or 2 new people towards the cause of fighting for liberty, my job was done.
Rob D., at 12:12 PM, March 11, 2006
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