Glock chimp
One of my co-workers is purchasing his first firearm over the weekend for home protection. He's already gone to the shooting range with someone who has loads of experience and he recommended the glock as a good first choice.
I'm not infatuated with guns by any means, but everytime he brings up the subject I find myself considering purchasing one for my home. I live in a very safe neighborhood, but one of the adjoining towns isn't the greatest.
So here I am Google imaging "glocks" and what do I find? This wanna be dirty Harry...
I'm not infatuated with guns by any means, but everytime he brings up the subject I find myself considering purchasing one for my home. I live in a very safe neighborhood, but one of the adjoining towns isn't the greatest.
So here I am Google imaging "glocks" and what do I find? This wanna be dirty Harry...

hehe cute picture.
i find i'm the same way about owning a gun. i'm a single female, who's been living alone in dangerous parts of dangerous cities since i was 18 - dc, new orleans, houston. and i've often thought about purchasing a firearm for safety, but the truth is, i'm scared to. scared i might mess up and set it off on accident (i know, irrational fear - i would NEVER have one until i knew how to use it properly); scared someone else might find it and set it off on accident; scared i might do something stupid in a fit of (anger, hurt, sadness, etc)
its a tough decision, i guess. in the end, though, i always decide in the negative. i'll just beat intruders over the head with "the club" that i don't use on my car anymore now that it's too beat up for anyone to want to steal it.
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM, February 21, 2006
"i'll just beat intruders over the head with "the club" that i don't use on my car anymore now that it's too beat up for anyone to want to steal it."
Hahaha, good stuff
"its a tough decision, i guess. in the end, though, i always decide in the negative."
I wouldn't totally rule it out. At least head to a shooting range with someone to see if you'd want to take on that responsibility. Hardest part is finding someone who's willing to go with you. If the opportunity arises, shoot out the door and don't think twice.
Rob D., at 6:48 PM, February 23, 2006
I've also wanted to purchase a firearm but not sure. I also live in a safe community here in Saint Lucie Florida but times are changing and so are people. Maybe I should consider buying a Chimp with a gun! HA!
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM, February 25, 2006
And for your car, why not go with the trunk monkey?
Rob D., at 11:40 AM, February 26, 2006
If you are looking for a firearm for personal or homeprotection. This is whatyou need to do. Go and take a Firearms safety course, then find a local indoor range and see if the give lessons. There aretwo places that offer women only shooting classes but your looking at well over $2000 for a 3 day class you have to supply your own ammo and pay for your class and room. They are costly but these two places arethe best at what they do. one is gunsite. If you find a local range most of the time they offer many different pistols for rent. Go in and talk to them tell them what you are looking for in a class and instructor and firearm. Hope this helps.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, October 08, 2006
Good Job! :)
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